Foundico API网关是为项目所有者和开发人员创建的,这些人会搜索关于ICO的详细信息并将其用于自己的目的。
API的访问权限是完全免费的,您需要向我们的技术支持人员发送个人请求来获取API密钥。只是因为我们需要控制服务器的请求频率。每天限制量 - 5000个要求。
要使用Foundico API,您需要同时拥有“公钥”和“私钥”。所有请求必须由私钥签名并使用POST方法发送。
$privateKey = 'privateKey';
$publicKey = 'publicKey';
$parameters = array('status' => 'upcoming');
$postData = json_encode($parameters);
$accessKey = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $postData, $privateKey, true));
$ch = curl_init('https://foundico.com/api/v1/icos/');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
'Content-Type: application/json',
'X-Foundico-Public-Key: '.$publicKey,
'X-Foundico-Access-Key: '.$accessKey
$response = curl_exec($ch);
echo $response;
ICO - 过滤条件
POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/filters/
"platform": [
"id": "158",
"name": "Ardor"
// ...
"category": [
"id": "27",
"name": "Adult"
// ...
"type": [
"id": "44",
"name": "ICO"
// ...
"location": [
"name": "Albania"
// ...
字段名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
platform | object[] | List of all available platforms. |
platform[n].id | int | ID of current platform. |
platform[n].name | string | Name of current platform. |
category | object[] | List of all available categories. |
category[n].id | int | ID of current category. |
category[n].name | string | Name of current category. |
type | object[] | List of all available types of ICOs. |
type[n].id | int | ID of current type. |
type[n].name | string | Name of current type. |
location | object[] | List of all available countries. |
location[n].name | string | Name of current country. |
ICO - 全部
POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/icos/
$parameters = array(
'sort_asc' => 'name',
'platform' => array(111),
'category' => array(27, 28, 90),
'status' => 'upcoming',
'ico_score' => 7,
'location' => array('China', 'Malta'),
'investor_wl' => 'yes',
'accepted_currencies' => array('ETH', 'BTC', 'LTC'),
// ...
字段名称 | 类型 | 数值 | 描述 |
sort_asc | string | -name -id -start_datetime -end_datetime |
Sort ICOs in result list in order by specified value ascendingly. |
sort_desc | string | -name -id -start_datetime -end_datetime |
Sort ICOs in result list in order by specified value descendingly. |
page | int | page number | List ICOs from the specified page of your request. |
platform | array of int values | platforms ID | List ICOs from the specified platforms. |
category | array of int values | categories ID | List ICOs from the specified categories. |
type | array of int values | types ID | List ICOs of the required types. |
location | array of string values | countries names | List ICOs located in the specified countries. |
status | string | -ongoing -upcoming -past |
List ICOs by specified status. |
ico_score | int | 1-10 | List ICOs that have ICO Score 1+, 2+, 3+... |
airdrop_program | string | -yes | List ICOs that have airdrop program. |
bounty_program | string | -yes | List ICOs that have bounty program. |
investor_kyc | string | -yes | List ICOs that conduct KYC procedure. |
investor_wl | string | -yes | List ICOs that conduct whitelisting. |
ico_kyc_passed | string | -yes | List ICOs which team is passed KYC procedure. |
accepted_currencies | array of string values | currencies tickers | List ICOs those are accepting specified currencies, e.g. "ETH". |
exclude_areas | array of string values | countries names | List ICOs excluding projects with specified countries. |
"total_icos": "2520",
"total_pages": 126,
"current_page": 1,
"error": null,
"data": [
"id": "16174",
"main": {
"name": "0xcert",
"logo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/a6f\/a6ffaed2a580aa44cb92e7d417929f8a.png",
"ico_score": "8"
"links": {
"url": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/ico\/0xcert.html"
"finance": {
"raised": ""
// ...
字段名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
total_icos | int | Total amount of ICOs based on request parameters. ICOs amount limited to 20 items per page |
total_pages | int | Total amount of pages based on request parameters. |
current_page | int | Number of the current page based on request parameters. |
error | int or null | Error code of the current request. |
data | object[] | List of ICOs for request parameters. |
data[n].id | int | ID of the current ICO. |
data[n].main | object[] | Main information about the current ICO. |
data[n].main.name | string | Name of the current ICO. |
data[n].main.logo | string | URL to logo of the current ICO. |
data[n].main.ico_score | string | ICO Score of the current ICO. |
data[n].links | object[] | Links, belonging to the current ICO. |
data[n].links.url | string | URL to Foundico.com page about the current ICO. |
data[n].finance | object[] | Financial information about the current ICO. |
data[n].finance.raised | int | Amount of raised funds in USD. |
ICO - 简介
POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/ico/
$parameters = array('id' => 16174);
字段名称 | 类型 | 数值 | 描述 |
id | int | ID of needed ICO | Output the ICO with specified ID. |
"error": null,
"data": {
"id": "16174",
"main": {
"name": "0xcert",
"description": "Create, own, and validate unique assets on the blockchain with 0xcert - the first open protocol built to support the future of digital assets, powered by non-fungible tokens.",
"logo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/a6f\/a6ffaed2a580aa44cb92e7d417929f8a.png",
"premium": "",
"scam": "",
"ico_score": "8.9",
"platform": "Ethereum",
"kyc": true,
"whitelist": true,
"category": "Computing",
"type": "ICO",
"mvp": true,
"location": "Slovenia",
"kyc_passed": true
"links": {
"url": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/ico\/0xcert.html",
"website": "https:\/\/0xcert.org\/",
"whitepaper": "https:\/\/0xcert.org\/whitepaper.pdf",
"social": {
"twitter": "https:\/\/twitter.com\/0xcert",
// ...
"video": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yptxQdD6Xbo"
"finance": {
"ticker": "ZXC",
"tokens_for_sale": "250000000",
"token_price": "0.0073",
"token_price_unit": "USD",
"min_purchase": "",
"max_purchase": "",
"purchase_unit": "ZXC",
"token_type": "ERC20",
"soft_cap": "3000000",
"hard_cap": "12000000",
"caps_unit": "USD",
"escrow": "",
"markets": [
// ...
"distribution": {
"Development": "50%",
// ...
"restricted_areas": "",
"accepting": [
// ...
"raised": ""
"dates": {
"start_datetime": "02.07.2018 17:00:00",
"end_datetime": "18.07.2018 23:59:00",
"tba": ""
"additional": {
"bonuses": {
"Private presale": "20-15%",
// ...
"airdrop": "",
"bounty": true
"roadmap": {
"31-10-2017": "First proposal of the blockchain certification technology First MVP",
// ...
"team": [
"name": "Jure Zih",
"role": "0xcert CEO",
"photo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/89f\/89f2816ccc27b9ab42ccbf323661da6f.PNG",
"social": {
"linkedin": "https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/jurezih\/",
// ...
// ...
"advisors": [
"name": "William Entriken",
"role": "Lead Author of the ERC-721 Standard",
"photo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/7b1\/7b1ac8d2c2047a6f515f5f6d40d88c7b.PNG",
"social": {
"linkedin": "https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/fulldecent",
// ...
// ...
字段名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
error | int or null | Error code of the current request. |
data | object[] | ICO for the current request. |
data.id | int | ID of ICO. |
data.main | object[] | Main information about ICO. |
data.main.name | string | ICO name. |
data.main.description | string | ICO text description. |
data.main.logo | string | URL to logo of the ICO. |
data.main.premium | boolean | Return "true" if this ICO listed as premium. |
data.main.scam | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO marked as scam. |
data.main.ico_score | float | ICO Score of the ICO. |
data.main.platform | string | Platform name of the ICO. |
data.main.kyc | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO conduct KYC procedure. |
data.main.whitelist | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO conduct whitelisting. |
data.main.category | string | Category name in which placed this ICO. |
data.main.type | string | Type of the ICO. |
data.main.mvp | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO has MVP. |
data.main.location | string | Country name in which located this ICO. |
data.main.kyc_passed | boolean | Returns "true" if team of this ICO passed KYC procedure. |
data.links | object[] | Links to resources and social media of the ICO. |
data.links.url | string | URL to Foundico.com page about the ICO. |
data.links.website | string | URL to official website of the ICO. |
data.links.whitepaper | string | URL to Whitepaper of the ICO. |
data.links.social | object | Links to social media of the ICO. |
data.links.social['n'] | string | URL to the current social media. |
data.links.video | string | URL to video presentation about the ICO. |
data.finance | object[] | Financial information about the ICO. |
data.finance.ticker | string | Token ticker. |
data.finance.tokens_for_sale | int | Number of tokens available for sale during the ICO. |
data.finance.token_price | float | Token price. During the ICO returns fixed value. After the ICO returns actual value from CoinMarketCap. |
data.finance.token_price_unit | string | Units in which displayed token price. |
data.finance.min_purchase | int or float | Minimum required amount of contribution. |
data.finance.max_purchase | int or float | Maximium required amount of contribution. |
data.finance.purchase_unit | string | Units in which displayed minimum and maximum purchase amount. |
data.finance.token_type | string | Type of token (only for Ethereum based projects). |
data.finance.soft_cap | int or float | Softcap of the ICO. Can be empty. |
data.finance.hard_cap | int or float | Hardcap of the ICO. |
data.finance.caps_unit | string | Units in which displayed softcap and hardcap. |
data.finance.escrow | boolean | Returns "true" this ICO has escrow. |
data.finance.markets | array | List of exchanges on which token of this ICO will be placed. |
data.finance.markets[n] | string | URL to the current exchange. |
data.finance.distribution | object | Token distribution parts during the ICO. |
data.finance.distribution['n'] | string | Percentage value of the current distribution part. |
data.finance.restricted_areas | array | List of countries in which the ICO is not allowed. |
data.finance.restricted_areas[n] | array string | Name of the current country. |
data.finance.accepting | array | List of currencies, accepted during the ICO. |
data.finance.accepting[n] | string | Ticker of the current currency, e.g. "ETH". |
data.dates | object[] | End and start dates of the current stage of this ICO. |
data.dates.start_datetime | string DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS | Start date and time. |
data.dates.end_datetime | string DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS | End date and time. |
data.dates.tba | boolean | Returns "true" if dates of this ICO are not defined. |
data.additional | object[] | Additional information about the ICO. |
data.additional.bonuses | object | List of bonuses during the ICO. |
data.additional.bonuses['n'] | string | Terms of current bonus. |
data.additional.airdrop | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO has airdrop program. |
data.additional.bounty | boolean | Returns "true" if this ICO has bounty program. |
data.roadmap | object | List of project's roadmap items. |
data.roadmap['n'] | string | Description of the current roadmap item. |
data.team | object[] | List of team members of the ICO. |
data.team[n].name | string | Name of current team member. |
data.team[n].role | string | Role of current team member. |
data.team[n].photo | string | URL to photo of the current team member. |
data.team[n].social | object | Links to social media of the current team member. |
data.team[n].social['n'] | string | URL to the current social media. |
data.advisors | object[] | List of advisors of the ICO. |
data.advisors[n].name | string | Name of current advisor. |
data.advisors[n].role | string | Role of current advisor. |
data.advisors[n].photo | string | URL to photo of the current advisor. |
data.advisors[n].social | object | Links to social media of the current advisor. |
data.advisors[n].social['n'] | string | URL to the current social media. |
错误 | 描述 |
480 | 私钥或公钥无效。用户必须在对Foundico API网关的任何请求中 同时包含有效的私钥和公钥。 |
481 | 方法不存在。用户请求了不存在的端点。 |
482 | 未找到项目。没有找到任何符合请求参数的ICO。 |
483 | 网关收到了无效数值。请求参数具有无效符号。 |
484 | 请求参数不存在。请求已在缺乏必须参数的请看下发送。 |
485 | 超出API限制。您已超过每天允许的请求次数限制。 |