


Foundico API网关是为项目所有者和开发人员创建的,这些人会搜索关于ICO的详细信息并将其用于自己的目的。

API的访问权限是完全免费的,您需要向我们的技术支持人员发送个人请求来获取API密钥。只是因为我们需要控制服务器的请求频率。每天限制量 - 5000个要求。



要使用Foundico API,您需要同时拥有“公钥”和“私钥”。所有请求必须由私钥签名并使用POST方法发送。

$privateKey = 'privateKey';
$publicKey = 'publicKey';

$parameters = array('status' => 'upcoming');
$postData = json_encode($parameters);
$accessKey = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $postData, $privateKey, true));

$ch = curl_init('https://foundico.com/api/v1/icos/');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
	'Content-Type: application/json',
	'X-Foundico-Public-Key: '.$publicKey,
	'X-Foundico-Access-Key: '.$accessKey

$response = curl_exec($ch);
echo $response;

ICO - 过滤条件



POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/filters/


"platform": [
		"id": "158",
		"name": "Ardor"
	// ...
"category": [
		"id": "27",
		"name": "Adult"
	// ...
"type": [
		"id": "44",
		"name": "ICO"
	// ...
"location": [
		"name": "Albania"
	// ...

字段名称 类型 描述
platform object[] List of all available platforms.
platform[n].id int ID of current platform.
platform[n].name string Name of current platform.
category object[] List of all available categories.
category[n].id int ID of current category.
category[n].name string Name of current category.
type object[] List of all available types of ICOs.
type[n].id int ID of current type.
type[n].name string Name of current type.
location object[] List of all available countries.
location[n].name string Name of current country.

ICO - 全部



POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/icos/
$parameters = array(
	'sort_asc' => 'name',
	'platform' => array(111),
	'category' => array(27, 28, 90),
	'status' => 'upcoming',
	'ico_score' => 7,
	'location' => array('China', 'Malta'),
	'investor_wl' => 'yes',
	'accepted_currencies' => array('ETH', 'BTC', 'LTC'),
	// ...
字段名称 类型 数值 描述
sort_asc string -name
Sort ICOs in result list in order by
specified value ascendingly.
sort_desc string -name
Sort ICOs in result list in order by
specified value descendingly.
page int page number List ICOs from the specified page of
your request.
platform array of int values platforms ID List ICOs from the specified platforms.
category array of int values categories ID List ICOs from the specified categories.
type array of int values types ID List ICOs of the required types.
location array of string values countries names List ICOs located in the specified countries.
status string -ongoing
List ICOs by specified status.
ico_score int 1-10 List ICOs that have ICO Score 1+, 2+, 3+...
airdrop_program string -yes List ICOs that have airdrop program.
bounty_program string -yes List ICOs that have bounty program.
investor_kyc string -yes List ICOs that conduct KYC procedure.
investor_wl string -yes List ICOs that conduct whitelisting.
ico_kyc_passed string -yes List ICOs which team is passed KYC procedure.
accepted_currencies array of string values currencies tickers List ICOs those are accepting specified
currencies, e.g. "ETH".
exclude_areas array of string values countries names List ICOs excluding projects with
specified countries.
"total_icos": "2520",
"total_pages": 126,
"current_page": 1,
"error": null,
"data": [
		"id": "16174",
		"main": {
			"name": "0xcert",
			"logo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/a6f\/a6ffaed2a580aa44cb92e7d417929f8a.png",
			"ico_score": "8"
		"links": {
			"url": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/ico\/0xcert.html"
		"finance": {
			"raised": ""
	// ...

字段名称 类型 描述
total_icos int Total amount of ICOs based on request parameters. ICOs amount limited to 20 items per page
total_pages int Total amount of pages based on request parameters.
current_page int Number of the current page based on request parameters.
error int or null Error code of the current request.
data object[] List of ICOs for request parameters.
data[n].id int ID of the current ICO.
data[n].main object[] Main information about the current ICO.
data[n].main.name string Name of the current ICO.
data[n].main.logo string URL to logo of the current ICO.
data[n].main.ico_score string ICO Score of the current ICO.
data[n].links object[] Links, belonging to the current ICO.
data[n].links.url string URL to Foundico.com page about the current ICO.
data[n].finance object[] Financial information about the current ICO.
data[n].finance.raised int Amount of raised funds in USD.

ICO - 简介



POST https://foundico.com/api/v1/ico/
$parameters = array('id' => 16174);
字段名称 类型 数值 描述
id int ID of needed ICO Output the ICO with specified ID.
"error": null,
"data": {
	"id": "16174",
	"main": {
		"name": "0xcert",
		"description": "Create, own, and validate unique assets on the blockchain with 0xcert - the first open protocol built to support the future of digital assets, powered by non-fungible tokens.",
		"logo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/a6f\/a6ffaed2a580aa44cb92e7d417929f8a.png",
		"premium": "",
		"scam": "",
		"ico_score": "8.9",
		"platform": "Ethereum",
		"kyc": true,
		"whitelist": true,
		"category": "Computing",
		"type": "ICO",
		"mvp": true,
		"location": "Slovenia",
		"kyc_passed": true
	"links": {
		"url": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/ico\/0xcert.html",
		"website": "https:\/\/0xcert.org\/",
		"whitepaper": "https:\/\/0xcert.org\/whitepaper.pdf",
		"social": {
			"twitter": "https:\/\/twitter.com\/0xcert",
			// ...
		"video": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yptxQdD6Xbo"
	"finance": {
		"ticker": "ZXC",
		"tokens_for_sale": "250000000",
		"token_price": "0.0073",
		"token_price_unit": "USD",
		"min_purchase": "",
		"max_purchase": "",
		"purchase_unit": "ZXC",
		"token_type": "ERC20",
		"soft_cap": "3000000",
		"hard_cap": "12000000",
		"caps_unit": "USD",
		"escrow": "",
		"markets": [
			// ...
		"distribution": {
			"Development": "50%",
			// ...
		"restricted_areas": "",
		"accepting": [
			// ...
		"raised": ""
	"dates": {
		"start_datetime": "02.07.2018 17:00:00",
		"end_datetime": "18.07.2018 23:59:00",
		"tba": ""
	"additional": {
		"bonuses": {
			"Private presale": "20-15%",
			// ...
		"airdrop": "",
		"bounty": true
	"roadmap": {
		"31-10-2017": "First proposal of the blockchain certification technology First MVP",
		// ...
	"team": [
			"name": "Jure Zih",
			"role": "0xcert CEO",
			"photo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/89f\/89f2816ccc27b9ab42ccbf323661da6f.PNG",
			"social": {
				"linkedin": "https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/jurezih\/",
				// ...
		// ...
	"advisors": [
			"name": "William Entriken",
			"role": "Lead Author of the ERC-721 Standard",
			"photo": "https:\/\/foundico.com\/upload\/iblock\/7b1\/7b1ac8d2c2047a6f515f5f6d40d88c7b.PNG",
			"social": {
				"linkedin": "https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/fulldecent",
				// ...
		// ...

字段名称 类型 描述
error int or null Error code of the current request.
data object[] ICO for the current request.
data.id int ID of ICO.
data.main object[] Main information about ICO.
data.main.name string ICO name.
data.main.description string ICO text description.
data.main.logo string URL to logo of the ICO.
data.main.premium boolean Return "true" if this ICO listed as premium.
data.main.scam boolean Returns "true" if this ICO marked as scam.
data.main.ico_score float ICO Score of the ICO.
data.main.platform string Platform name of the ICO.
data.main.kyc boolean Returns "true" if this ICO conduct KYC procedure.
data.main.whitelist boolean Returns "true" if this ICO conduct whitelisting.
data.main.category string Category name in which placed this ICO.
data.main.type string Type of the ICO.
data.main.mvp boolean Returns "true" if this ICO has MVP.
data.main.location string Country name in which located this ICO.
data.main.kyc_passed boolean Returns "true" if team of this ICO passed KYC procedure.
data.links object[] Links to resources and social media of the ICO.
data.links.url string URL to Foundico.com page about the ICO.
data.links.website string URL to official website of the ICO.
data.links.whitepaper string URL to Whitepaper of the ICO.
data.links.social object Links to social media of the ICO.
data.links.social['n'] string URL to the current social media.
data.links.video string URL to video presentation about the ICO.
data.finance object[] Financial information about the ICO.
data.finance.ticker string Token ticker.
data.finance.tokens_for_sale int Number of tokens available for sale during the ICO.
data.finance.token_price float Token price. During the ICO returns fixed value. After the ICO returns actual value from CoinMarketCap.
data.finance.token_price_unit string Units in which displayed token price.
data.finance.min_purchase int or float Minimum required amount of contribution.
data.finance.max_purchase int or float Maximium required amount of contribution.
data.finance.purchase_unit string Units in which displayed minimum and maximum purchase amount.
data.finance.token_type string Type of token (only for Ethereum based projects).
data.finance.soft_cap int or float Softcap of the ICO. Can be empty.
data.finance.hard_cap int or float Hardcap of the ICO.
data.finance.caps_unit string Units in which displayed softcap and hardcap.
data.finance.escrow boolean Returns "true" this ICO has escrow.
data.finance.markets array List of exchanges on which token of this ICO will be placed.
data.finance.markets[n] string URL to the current exchange.
data.finance.distribution object Token distribution parts during the ICO.
data.finance.distribution['n'] string Percentage value of the current distribution part.
data.finance.restricted_areas array List of countries in which the ICO is not allowed.
data.finance.restricted_areas[n] array string Name of the current country.
data.finance.accepting array List of currencies, accepted during the ICO.
data.finance.accepting[n] string Ticker of the current currency, e.g. "ETH".
data.dates object[] End and start dates of the current stage of this ICO.
data.dates.start_datetime string DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS Start date and time.
data.dates.end_datetime string DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS End date and time.
data.dates.tba boolean Returns "true" if dates of this ICO are not defined.
data.additional object[] Additional information about the ICO.
data.additional.bonuses object List of bonuses during the ICO.
data.additional.bonuses['n'] string Terms of current bonus.
data.additional.airdrop boolean Returns "true" if this ICO has airdrop program.
data.additional.bounty boolean Returns "true" if this ICO has bounty program.
data.roadmap object List of project's roadmap items.
data.roadmap['n'] string Description of the current roadmap item.
data.team object[] List of team members of the ICO.
data.team[n].name string Name of current team member.
data.team[n].role string Role of current team member.
data.team[n].photo string URL to photo of the current team member.
data.team[n].social object Links to social media of the current team member.
data.team[n].social['n'] string URL to the current social media.
data.advisors object[] List of advisors of the ICO.
data.advisors[n].name string Name of current advisor.
data.advisors[n].role string Role of current advisor.
data.advisors[n].photo string URL to photo of the current advisor.
data.advisors[n].social object Links to social media of the current advisor.
data.advisors[n].social['n'] string URL to the current social media.


错误 描述
480 私钥或公钥无效。用户必须在对Foundico API网关的任何请求中
481 方法不存在。用户请求了不存在的端点。
482 未找到项目。没有找到任何符合请求参数的ICO。
483 网关收到了无效数值。请求参数具有无效符号。
484 请求参数不存在。请求已在缺乏必须参数的请看下发送。
485 超出API限制。您已超过每天允许的请求次数限制。
