ConnectWealth (WEALTH)
类型: | ICO | |
类别: | 社交网络 | |
驗證: | 否 | |
白名单: | 否 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标: | 6 000 000 USD | |
空投计划: | 否 | |
赏金计划: | 否 | |
托管支付: | 是 | |
产品原型: | 否 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | ETH | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
地点: | 朝鲜 | |
网站: | | |
链接: |
We are luxury brand of coins. We create an exclusive online community, in which people can join only if they prove their wealth through the ownership of WEALTH (connectWealth) coin.
We provide language settings in English, Chinese, and Korean. Meet people of your desired wealth level all over the world by proving your wealth.
● | Development | 60.00% |
● | Marketing | 30.00% |
● | Administrative | 10.00% |
01.09.2017 Source Code Release
02.09.2017 Chinese Version of Website Release
07.09.2017 Initial Coin Offering Begins
13.09.2017 End of ICO
16.09.2017 CoreDev Team Release
07.10.2017 Prototype of ConnectWealth Web
15.10.2017 ConnectWealth Web Launch
21.10.2017 ConnectWealth Web Royal and Premium User Reward Sent
28.10.2017 ConnectWealth Web Mobile Application Launch
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