Dein Anteil (DAT)
类型: | Pre-ICO | |
类别: | 房地产 | |
驗證: | 否 | |
白名单: | 是 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标 (软上限): | 10 000 000 USD | |
筹资目标 (硬上限): | 50 000 000 USD | |
代币量: | 500 000 000 DAT | |
代币价格: | 1 DAT = 0.2 USD | |
最低購買量: | 43.00 DAT | |
空投计划: | 是 | |
赏金计划: | 是 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 是 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | ETH, ZEC, BTC, DASH | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
地点: | 俄罗斯 | |
禁区: | 阿富汗 | |
网站: | | |
链接: |
Dein Anteil is the first ecosystem of tokenized real estate and rent. For all kinds of real estate: commercial, land, standard, elite. Tokenized real estate one of the best ways of using blockchain system for its transparent, faster transactions, KYC and others. Tokenization of real estate takes place on special rotocols created by our experts, the essence is that a certain amount of DAT is calculated for the value of a property, so the owner gets even more than from the traditional sale
● | Platform development | 60.00% |
● | Legal | 15.00% |
● | Marketing | 15.00% |
● | Other | 10.00% |
● | Private sale: | Bonus 30% |
● | Pre-sale: | Bonus 20% |
● | Public sale Round 1: | 15% |
● | Public sale Round 2: | 10% |
● | Public sale Round 3: | 5% |
06.03.2018 Core Concept Development
06.06.2018 Dein Anteil Platform Beta Release
06.09.2018 Token Sale
24.12.2018 Dein Anteil Platform Beta Release
06.03.2019 Mobile App Development
06.06.2019 Dein Anteil Platform Goes Live
06.06.2019 Adding Property
24.12.2019 Dein Anteil Protocol Promotion
17.06.2020 Registrations in jurisdictions
17.06.2020 Dein Anteil is the #1
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