FessChain (FESS)
类型: | IEO | |
类别: | 金融 | |
驗證: | 是 (会员: 3) | |
白名单: | 否 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标 (软上限): | 3 500 000 USD | |
筹资目标 (硬上限): | 8 200 000 USD | |
代币量: | 600 000 000 FESS | |
代币价格: | 1 FESS = 0 USD | |
空投计划: | 是 | |
赏金计划: | 是 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 是 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | BTC, ETH, NEO, XRP | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
代币类型 : | ERC20 | |
类型: | 实用代币 | |
交易市场: | 股票 1, 股票 2 | |
地点: | 印度 | |
网站: | https://fesschain.live | |
链接: |
Fesschain dares to improve the shortcomings of blockchain so that the obstacles in the road of mass adoption can be minimised. Fesschain is disrupting the sluggish transaction methods with the fess blockchain powered by Neutrino Framework. The unique technical architecture ensures most optimum block space utilisation and thus dumping the undesired data and improves TPS with every passing transaction.
● | Marketing | 10.00% |
● | Development | 80.00% |
● | Team undefined Admin | 10.00% |
● | 1: | 89 |
● | 2: | 87 |
● | 3: | 85 |
五月 2019 Pre Private Sale
六月 2019 Prototype Launched
六月 2019 Whitepaper Launched
六月 2019 Private Sale Launched
八月 2019 Pre IEO
八月 2019 In-House DApps Prototype
九月 2019 IEO Main Sale
九月 2019 Supply Chain Implementation
九月 2019 Content Sharing Application
十月 2019 Exchange Listing
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