Leve (LVT)
类型: | IEO | |
类别: | 金融 | |
驗證: | 是 (会员: 3) | |
白名单: | 是 | |
KYC: | 是 | |
筹资目标 (软上限): | 5 000 000 USD | |
筹资目标 (硬上限): | 15 000 000 USD | |
代币量: | 20 000 000 LVT | |
代币价格: | 1 LVT = 0.76 USD | |
最低購買量: | 500 000.00 LVT | |
最大購買量: | 5 000 000.00 LVT | |
空投计划: | 否 | |
赏金计划: | 否 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 是 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | ETH, BTC, BNB | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
代币类型 : | ERC20 | |
类型: | 实用代币 | |
地点: | 巴西 | |
网站: | https://pre-ico.leve.app.br | |
链接: |
Lightweight, made a coin in ERC-20 LVT, is a coin that was developed in the ethereal network completely independent and unique. The LVT coin was developed to develop the 3.0 web application that in just 3 clicks. https://www.leve.app.br/en/ The LVT project is not an ICO (initial coin offering) project, but a Pre-ICO. The project is fully under development and already has investors. It will be launched after the ICO. And the ultimate goal of the LVT project is to create wealth and value for its users and owners. LVT coins are also known as representing LVT revenue sharing. There will be annual returns for staking.
To join https://pre-ico.leve.app.br/
● | Platform Leve | 35.00% |
● | Marketing of Leve | 50.00% |
● | Emergency reserve | 15.00% |
01.05.2022 angel investors.
14.06.2022 Confirmed start of the Lightweight project.
22.06.2022 Anuncie o plano ICO de leve
01.07.2022 ICO begins
15.07.2022 version of leve.app.br
21.07.2022 ICO ends
(62% 完成) 金融 4.3
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