NeuronChain (NRON)
类型: | IEO | |
类别: | 金融 | |
驗證: | 否 | |
白名单: | 否 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标: | 23 750 USD | |
代币量: | 2 750 000 000 NRON | |
代币价格: | 1 NRON = 0.01 USD | |
空投计划: | 否 | |
赏金计划: | 是 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 是 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, DASH, XRP, ETC | |
平台: | Bitshares | |
类型: | 代币 | |
交易市场: | 股票 1 | |
地点: | 香港 | |
禁区: | 美国 | |
网站: | | |
链接: |
NeuronChain is a lightning fast financial network with a vision to build tomorrow’s financial system by creating a borderless world by cutting out intermediaries and providing access to the billions of people underserved by the current financial system. With more than 100,000 tps on the mainnet, NeuronChain is revolutionizing payments, remittances, global trade & commerce by creating an income sharing economy where every participant of global payments could be remunerated.
● | Bounty pool for NeuronExpromotion | 0.50% |
● | Bounty pool for NeuronChainpromotion | 2.00% |
● | Total Bounty pool | 2.50% |
● | Client stimulation Fund(Network Growth) | 12.50% |
● | Team and advisors | 16.25% |
● | Coins for sale | 68.75% |
● | С объема приобретенных монет: | 40% |
Q4 2019 API to payment processors API documentationNeuronEx Wallet tests
Q1 2020 Synapse Protocol testingDecentralized Processing Protocol testing
Q1 2020 dPay Protocol testing
Q2 2020 NeuronChain Wallet launchSynapse Protocol launch
Q2 2020 Decentralized Processing Protocol launch
Q3 2020 dPay Protocol launch
Q3 2020 Test launch world’s first decentralized P2P virtual card
Q4 2020 Implementation quantum security technology
Q4 2020 Launch Neuron dCard, the world's first decentralized P2P plastic card
Q4 2020 Strategic partnerships with PSPs and other integration partners
(3% 完成) 金融 3.4
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