Reckoon (ROOK)
类型: | IEO | |
类别: | 基础设施 | |
驗證: | 否 | |
白名单: | 否 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标: | 300 000 USD | |
代币量: | 295 000 000 ROOK | |
代币价格: | 1 ROOK = 0.2 USD | |
空投计划: | 否 | |
赏金计划: | 否 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 否 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | BTC, USDT, ETH, PROB | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
代币类型 : | ERC20 | |
类型: | 实用代币 | |
交易市场: | 股票 1, 股票 2 | |
地点: | 英国 | |
网站: | | |
链接: |
Reckoon is shaping the future of the retail industry by providing Blockchain & AI enabled Global Shopping Platform as a Service. At the core of our End-to-End shopping ecosystem is the Global WishBasket Shopping Protocol (GloWS), providing a standardised and universal way to fulfil the shoppers WishBasket. This gives the retailer a deeper insight into the intent of the shopper and will facilitate inter-retailer collaboration for a better outcome for both retailers and shoppers.
● | software development and support | 40.00% |
● | operational expenses | 25.00% |
● | marketing, PR, IR, and business development | 20.00% |
● | legal expenses | 7.00% |
● | reserve and contingency | 8.00% |
● | Bonus for PROB: | 35% |
● | Bonus for USDT, BTC, ETH: | 30% |
Q4 2018 UK marketing and PR for retailers
Q1 2019 Blockchain technology evaluation for reckoonMarket Research
Q2 2019 Techonomic undefined IEO preparation
Q1 2020 Smart contract developmentPR and MarketingIEO launch
Q2 2020 Reckoon user teaser app launchGloWS Protocol
Q1 2021 Development and integration of Analytics undefined payment module
Q2 2021 Development undefined Integration of AR/VR modules
Q1 2022 Integration of charity/donationmodule supporting UN’s
Q2 2022 Additional feature integrationDeveloper API
Q1 2023 Advance features, research, furtherdevelopment
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