Ubcoin Market (UBC)
类型: | ICO | |
类别: | 支付业务 | |
驗證: | 否 | |
白名单: | 否 | |
KYC: | 否 | |
筹资目标 (软上限): | 1 000 000 USD | |
筹资目标 (硬上限): | 16 000 000 USD | |
代币量: | 650 000 000 UBC | |
代币价格: | 1 UBC = 0.0008 USD | |
最低購買量: | 0.01 UBC | |
空投计划: | 否 | |
赏金计划: | 否 | |
托管支付: | 否 | |
产品原型: | 是 | |
白皮书: | 打开 | |
货币: | ETH | |
平台: | Ethereum | |
地点: | 阿拉伯联合酋长国 | |
网站: | https://ubcoin.io | |
链接: |
Ubcoin Marketplace — the next leap forward for Ubank, leading mobile payments app in Eastern Europe. Now with Ethereum blockchain, exchange-traded UBC cryptocurrency, and peer-to-peer smart contracts for buying goods for cryptocurrency. Ubcoin Market will become part of Ubank app as a new feature.
● | Marketing | 40.00% |
● | Development | 35.00% |
● | App distribution | 17.00% |
● | Legal, KYC, General | 8.00% |
● | Stage 1: | 29% |
● | Stage 2: | 14% |
● | Stage 3: | 0% |
31.05.2018 Conduct Limited Private Pre-Sale and Token Sale
31.07.2018 Beta Ubcoin Marketplace developed for existing Ubank app
31.08.2018 Beta smart-contract platform developed
31.10.2018 Beta-testing
31.12.2018 MVP launched in Eastern Europe
31.03.2019 Full version of app launched in Eastern Europe
31.07.2019 Launch in Middle East and South Korea
31.07.2019 Launch in Southeast Asia and South Asia
31.12.2019 Launch in Latin America
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