
Законодательство о конкуренции и стратегическое патентование в фармацевтической отрасли

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Законодательство о конкуренции и стратегическое патентование в фармацевтической отрасли

The pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive, with companies investing heavily in research and development to bring new drugs to market. Patents play a critical role in protecting these investments and stimulating innovation. However, the use of patents may also raise competition law concerns, especially when companies engage in strategic patenting practices. This article explores the complex relationship between competition law and strategic patenting in the pharmaceutical industry, exploring the potential benefits and risks of strategic patenting, and the existing legal framework for addressing competition issues.

1. Understanding Strategic Patenting

Strategic patenting refers to the use of patents to gain a competitive advantage in the market. In the pharmaceutical industry, strategic patenting can take many forms, including:

Product patents. These patents protect the active ingredient or composition of a drug.

Process patents. These patents protect the method of manufacturing a drug.

Combined patents. These patents protect drug combinations or the use of a drug for a specific purpose.

Defensive patents. These patents are filed to prevent competitors from obtaining patents on similar drugs or technologies.

2. Benefits of Strategic Patenting

Strategic patenting can provide pharmaceutical companies with several benefits:

Protecting innovation. Patents provide legal protection for innovative medicines, encouraging companies to invest in research and development.

Exclusivity in the market. Patents provide the patent holder with exclusive rights to manufacture and sell the patented drug, providing a period of market exclusivity.

Licensing and revenue generation. Companies can license their patents to other companies, creating additional revenue streams.

Competitive advantage. Patents can create barriers to entry for competitors, giving the patent holder a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

3. Competition Law Concerns

Although strategic patenting can have legitimate benefits, it can also raise competition law concerns:

Anti-competitive behavior. Strategic patenting can be used to block competitors from entering a market or to limit competition by preventing them from developing similar drugs.

Patent bowls. A complex network of patents can create a “patent thicket,” making it difficult for competitors to develop new drugs without infringing existing patents.

4. Legal Framework for Competition Law

There are various legal frameworks to address competition issues associated with strategic patenting in the pharmaceutical industry:

Antitrust laws. Antitrust laws prohibit anticompetitive behavior, including monopolization, price fixing, and collusion.

Patent Law: Patent law sets out the requirements for obtaining and protecting patents, including the requirement that patents be new, non-obvious, and useful.

Regulatory Oversight: Regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the European Commission have the power to investigate and prosecute anticompetitive behavior in the pharmaceutical industry.

5. Balance between innovation and competition

Balancing the need to protect innovation with the importance of competition is a key challenge in regulating strategic patenting in the pharmaceutical industry. Governments and regulators must carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of strategic patenting and develop policies that promote innovation while preventing anticompetitive practices.


The relationship between competition law and strategic patenting in the pharmaceutical industry is complex and dynamic. Strategic patenting can be an important driver of innovation, but can also raise competition law concerns. Legal frameworks exist to address these issues and balance the need to protect innovation with the importance of competition. By carefully considering the potential benefits and risks of strategic patenting, policymakers and regulators can help ensure that the pharmaceutical industry continues to innovate and bring new medicines to patients, while promoting fair competition and affordable access to medicines.

Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist & Visionary 

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