Basic Criteria Adopted By Foundico For Exchanges Rating
Since the invention of blockchain technology, a lot has changed in the way finance is handled, especially with the use of cryptocurrencies becoming popular over the past few years. Businesses are now finding new ways to leverage on digital currencies to advance trading experience; customers too want improved ways of making payments for goods and services, hence the need to completely adopt cryptocurrencies as an alternative payment method. With this trend gaining stay over the past years, the need for people to have reliable exchanges where they can trade currencies have become really vital. Cryptocurrency users are in need of platforms that will offer exchange listings, as well as trusted reviews of exchanges and their advantages.
The New Foundico Cryptocurrency Exchange Listing Platform has placed itself in an amazing position where it can become a solution for listing digital currencies and rating them in ways that even the most unskilled cryptotraders can understand. Despite the events that have been reported in the past few months, Cryptocurrency is still reliable, gaining more popularity, and in fact, better acceptability. There is, therefore, the need to know what's good in the market and what's bad before thinking of investing in an ICO.
What is an ICO? For the purpose of the less crypto-savvy readers, an ICO stands for initial coin offerings, and it is a method of fundraising where emerging and existing firms sell part of their liquidity to investors as future digital coins popularly referred to as Cryptocurrency. Normally, most modern firms will sell online coins to ICO participants, and the participants, in essence, have some claim to the company's profit. Since you now know what an ICO is and you're probably thinking of investing in it already, the need arises to know which exchange is better used for trade and which you should run away from.
The Foundico Cryptocurrency Exchange Listing and Rating is great for influencing a trader’s decision on the adoption of exchanges. This happens basically because the Foundico platform uses a very robust and effective formula for evaluating exchanges. Hence, there is a need for exchanges to meet up with their assessment criteria before they are listed as top crypto exchanges. Here are some of the criteria that Foundico use to determine exchange rating:
• Name: Foundico will lookout for everything that they can about the platform, starting from its name and what it stands for. They'll evaluate the origin of the name and whether it by any chance coincides with the name of any other exchange. If an exchange passes this, which they'll most likely do, the next criteria are activated.
• Logo: Foundico will examine and post a logo of the exchange on their website. Apart from the name, the exchange logo is another very important basic information about every exchange. Most investors are drawn by attractive logos, hence the need for a company to have a logo that best represents what it does.
• Full Website Link: People often find it stressful to open multiple tabs and migrate between multiple tabs before they can search to know better about a company. Foundico includes a website for each exchange platform as a way to redirect investors to the exchange's main website, from where they can trade.
• Text: There is a strong need for potential investors to know a thing or two about an exchange before moving on to their website. This is the section where a few things about the exchange and how it operates is highlighted to educate potential investors a bit before they go on to research further about the exchange.
• Name of Head Management: Investors need also to know who and who is in control of each exchange. They want to know how reliable the team is, hence the need to list each of them out clearly and tell about their role both in and out of the company.
• Social Media Links: Most exchange platforms have social media accounts, and the accounts are active. There's a whole lot of information about the exchanges on their social media platforms, hence the need for potential investors to check them out. As part of the main information about exchanges, Foundico post social media links that will redirect potential investors to the social media accounts of exchanges, where they can access more information.
• Withdrawal Commission Fee: The availability of commission fee on withdrawal can sometimes be inconvenient for investors, hence they are curious to know if an exchange charges commission on withdrawal and how much commission they charge before investing in them. Cryptocurrency traders want to make the best out of their trades, and a very high commission fee can impede their ability to do so. So Foundico will research this fact and make it public for potential investors to see.
• Deposit Commission Fee: like it is in the case of withdrawal, most exchanges charge commission on deposits too. Some exchanges charge higher commission, while others charge a lower commission. Foundico, however, make sure to research and post these figures on their platform, as a way to bring it to the knowledge of the public.
• Deposit Methods: From bank transfers to card payments and Paypal transfers, different exchanges allow the use of different methods for deposit. Foundico also goes ahead to check out and state the deposit methods that each exchange adopts for potential investors.
• Types of Currencies: Different exchanges allow the trade of different types of cryptocurrencies on their platforms. Investors want to know what types of cryptocurrencies are available on different exchanges, hence the need to include it as part of the information available on every exchange right where everyone can see it.
• Margin Trading: Because of the assuming risk involved in the trade of cryptocurrencies, there's the need for actual and potential investors to be assured about the safety of each exchange before trading with it. Hence most of them prefer exchanges that offer cryptocurrency margin trading services. Foundico states specifically whether an exchange offers this, and they also step ahead to check and report the terms adopted by each exchange for this.
• 24H Volume: Foundico also reports of the availability of 24H volume on different exchanges as a way to keep actual and potential investors involved in daily changes made in exchange rates and other related aspects.
Apart from Cryptocurrency exchange rates, there is still other information about the exchange that potential investors want to be sure about before choosing their preferred exchange platform. Foundico does a very good job in examining these criteria and making them available in a way that everyone can understand.