What to pay attention when selecting the exchange?

Bitcoin exchange provides an opportunity to carry out transactions with cryptocurrency. But not all platforms are equally good. Many skilled traders, at the beginning of their financial journey, had negative experience and faced significant losses and incompetence of the platform. To avoid such problems, we recommend you reading a brief guide on choosing the cryptocurrency exchange.
What to pay attention when selecting the exchange?
The key factors to pay your attention to when choosing a platform for trading with digital currency include:
the level of platform's fee;
specialization (currency pairs and payment options);
reviews from other users (reputation);
history of functioning.
The most efficient ways for choosing a trading platform:
reading reviews;
analyzing the cryptocurrency exchange rating.
Such information will help you determine the exchange's specialization, the trading pairs offered by it, as well as get acquainted with its functions.
Useful information for beginners in the world of digital currencies
Very often the traders do not know blockchain technologies into details face numerous problems. To facilitate your start, we recommend paying attention to the cryptocurrency exchange rating by the funds turnover. Top platforms are considered to be the most reliable.
All existing sites have pros and cons. Some sites offer users to trade with all modern coins, while the others are famous for convenient replenishment and withdrawal options. Some exchanges attract traders with a user-friendly interface. Therefore, many experienced traders do not limit themselves to a single platform.
The level of financial turnover indicates the success, scale, and popularity in the digital currency market. Daily trading volume is one of the key indicators visualizing the demand for the exchange among the users. Therefore, the leading positions mean that numerous traders actively carry out transactions with various cryptocurrencies.
The list on Foundico and other sites is based on the current volume of transactions that have been carried out on the exchanges. Therefore, experienced users recommend choosing the leaders of the rating for trade. They offer a wide range of coins, high reliability, and excellent quotes.
This list includes only the best platforms for transactions. To date, Ethereum, Bitcoin, and other digital coins develop rapidly and attract more and more attention of new miners and traders. For this reason, new services for currency conversion appear every day. Unfortunately, they cannot offer the users a high level of reliability and security.
The most popular sites are Poloniex, Binance, Kraken, Bittrex, and HitBTC. They have won the trust of a large number of modern traders. We invite you to review the rating of exchanges posted on our website for you to make a well-balanced decision on choosing the platform for trade.