Dogezer (DGZ)
Type: | ICO | |
Category: | Infrastructure | |
Verified team: | No | |
Whitelist of investors: | No | |
KYC of investors: | No | |
Goal of funding: | 1 000 000 USD | |
Tokens for sale: | 100 000 000 DGZ | |
Token price: | 1 DGZ = 0.9 USD | |
Airdrop program: | No | |
Bounty program: | No | |
Have escrow agent: | No | |
Have working prototype: | No | |
White paper: | Open | |
Currencies: | ETH | |
Platform: | Ethereum | |
Location: | Russia | |
Website: | https://dogezer.com | |
Links: |
Dogezer is a platform that allows team members to be product investors by investing their time and labor.
We combine Github, Upwork, Slack, Jira, Dropbox, Google Docs in one product.
We add financial system into the mix with ability to create project specific coins.
You create your project and pay your team with these coins, or
You work on a product and earn coins - which is a share of product ownership/revenue.
Disruptive Idea, Unique Token Model, Strong Team, Almost ready product.
● | Development | 75.00% |
● | Marketing | 10.00% |
● | Servers and Support | 5.00% |
● | Legal | 10.00% |
01.04.2015 Concept design
01.10.2016 First commit
01.09.2017 PreITO Starts
30.09.2017 PreITO Ends
15.11.2017 Alpha release
15.01.2018 ITO Starts
15.02.2018 ITO Ends
15.07.2018 Open Beta
15.12.2018 Release

(41% Done) Infrastructure Full info 5.8

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