DracarysCoin (DRX)
Type: | ICO | |
Category: | Gaming | |
Verified team: | No | |
Whitelist of investors: | No | |
KYC of investors: | No | |
Goal of funding: | 5 000 000 USD | |
Tokens for sale: | 137 500 000 DRX | |
Token price: | 1 DRX = 0.00028 ETH | |
Minimum purchase: | 1 800.00 DRX | |
Maximum purchase: | 2 000 000.00 DRX | |
Airdrop program: | No | |
Bounty program: | No | |
Have escrow agent: | No | |
Have working prototype: | No | |
White paper: | Open | |
Currencies: | ETH | |
Platform: | Ethereum | |
Location: | United States of America | |
Website: | https://www.dracaryscoin.com | |
Links: |
DracarysCoin is a new token required for access to The Game of Thrones - our brand new online virtual reality game that will be released by the end of 2018. Our mission is to connect two entirely different worlds, the fantastic reality world of magic, intrigue and great deeds and the digital world of blockchain technology and decentralization.
● | Crowdsale | 55.00% |
● | Team | 10.00% |
● | Bounty and Airdrop | 5.00% |
● | Reserve | 20.00% |
● | Company | 10.00% |
● | 1st week: | -20% |
● | 2nd week: | -15% |
● | 3rd week: | -10% |
● | 4th week: | -10% |
● | 5th week: | -5% |
● | 6th week: | -1% |
● | >1ETH: | -3% |
● | >10ETH: | -10% |
● | >100ETH: | -15% |
26.04.2018 Company registration
27.04.2018 Desktop and IOS wallets
16.05.2018 GameOfThrones Network BETA test
25.05.2018 Whitepaper
09.07.2018 Dracarys the Anonymos Decentralized Exchange is live
14.08.2018 Game of Thrones The Virtual Reality Game BETA test
05.11.2018 Mobile version is released
15.11.2018 More partnerships with major game industry companies to come
30.11.2018 Game of Thrones the Virtual Reality Game is released
28.12.2018 The game surpasses at least 85 milion users

(92% Done) Gaming 4.6

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